Sabina Read (Bradfield, 1988) | Spotlight on the OLA Fellowship
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
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Sabina Read (Bradfield, 1988) is a psychologist, speaker, facilitator, media commentator, empath, and life sherpa who works with organisations, groups, and individuals to help people become the architects of their own wellbeing, growth, and freedom. Sabina is also the Resident Psychologist on top rating Radio 3AW in the Afternoons, co-host of the Human Cogs podcast, and Brand Ambassador with SEEK.

In many ways she hasn’t changed much since her school days at Lauriston. She delights in buying make-up she doesn't need, walking kilometers with friends, stretching her middle-aged body on a Pilates reformer bed, chasing the sun, dancing like nobody's watching, and singing into kitchen utensils dreaming of being 'the blonde one' from ABBA. She's passionate about the universality of the human condition, believing when we focus on our commonality, we find ways to engage and thrive, as well as build meaningful connections which help fill life with purpose and joy, even on tough days.

As well as being a parent to two old girls, Lili Read (2018) and Ava Read (2020), Sabina has delighted in organising and helping to coordinate her cohort’s school reunions since leaving in 1988. She believes connection to others is the tonic of life and loves catching up with old school mates whether it be socially, on morning walks, through the working network, as a parent with her daughters, a random collision in the supermarket aisle, yakking on social media, or at the annual Huntingtower Lunch.

Sabina and Madeleine Grummet co-host Human Cogs, an inspiring conversational podcast that holds a mirror up to the universal experiences that connect us all. The podcast released its first episode in July 2020, and since then Sabina and Mads have hosted over 70 guests who have shared powerful stories on living, working, and loving well alongside the joys, challenges, and hurdles of life.


No matter what you’re interested in, Human Cogs has you covered, from high profile guests (Hugh Sheridan, Shaynna Blaze, and Osher Gunsberg); experts (mindset coach Ben Crowe, parenting educator Lael Stone and trauma-trained psychologist Dr Ahona Guha); and business leaders (Dom Price, Bernard Salt, and Kimberlee Wells) to entrepreneurs (Jane Martino, Adam Schwab and Kate Save); thought leaders (Tarang Chawla, Dr Amantha Imber, Sarah Wilson), mental health advocates (Gus Worland, Jill Stark, Jason Ball); and even some old LGS alumni (Sam Eade, Kath Elliott, Anna Oxley Rintoul). You can learn more at or on Instagram at human.cogs and tune in wherever you listen to your fav pods.

Sabina was thrilled to host a special edition podcast with Sophie Tissot and Steph Parsons, two OLA Fellowship recipients – Sophie was awarded her Fellowship in 2021 and Steph in 2022. Being in conversation with these two passionate, curious, and accomplished humans felt like a combination of reconnecting with old friends, dialling up career inspiration, and being reminded of the old school connections that bond us all. The conversation highlights the impact on our identities and careers when others see you and believe in you. A simple fellowship like this has the potential to help build careers, invites alumnae to stretch and grow, and creates a ripple of impact well beyond any one talented and motivated recipient.

Listen to the Podcast by clicking on the image here:  

Sabina knows that relationships form the cornerstone of life and old school relationships can be very powerful. When we haven’t connected with someone for months, years, or even decades, it can sometimes feel clunky to know where to begin. Yet for most of us, being in the company of others who witnessed our younger years can be very affirming. In years gone by, we may have compared ourselves to others, from grades to partners, jobs to bodies. Now we can let go of the comparisons and delight in the connection, support, and universal human experiences and emotions we share. Often even those who don’t recall their school days so fondly can find renewed meaning and joy in connecting later in life minus any real or perceived baggage from yesteryear!

Congratulations to Sabina, Mads and the team at Human Cogs, and thank you Sabina, for highlighting the importance of the OLA Fellowship, the value of ‘old school’ connections and the significance of staying connected.